Exam are over!!!
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Yeah!!! Exams are over and we just have to wait for our result. I feel really nervous as every day pass by. You know, perhaps the results will come out on Monday. Wow, it's super fast. What I meant was the teacher who marked the paper must be super fast in her ticking. Well, talking about results, I feel really confident about my Maths, perhaps. You know, the weakest subject that is in me. But still, I shouldn't be over-confident because if I gave myself a huge false hope and the results of my exam doesn't quite make it, it would be a turn over disaster im my house. I think that the whole resident in Marsiling will be equally shocked as me. At least they are lucky. They are not in front of the disaster, and my main problem is. Im the one who is facing the disaster.
Oh.. Im really feeling nervous. Ok hopefully I would pass my exams with flying colours. Gutcha Cha!!!
Shopped 2:05 AM
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Hello. Today my sister got a big scolding from my mum. Actually, I don't know what exactly happened but what I heard was my mum saying or perhaos shouting to my sister saying that she's lazy to do the housework. Well, perhaps that would serves a right for teasing me just now. Well of course, she cried. Like hello, it's school holiday and she ought to do some housework at least. Some I should say. As for me, I just sat in my room saying to myself, 'Oh god, please stop it...' Alright, so been a long time since I've post. Been busy, not really busy, I think so. Haha.
So Valentine's day today and I got a cookies from daddy. I love you daddy!!! For my mum she got a rose from daddy. Oh how romantic... Don't have much celebration today for Valentine's day. But still happy. Ok stop here.Bye!!!
Love, XOXO
Shopped 2:51 AM
A miracle that happen today
Friday, February 12, 2010
Hello. Today I got a carnation.I know that you guys out there will say "What on earth is carnation?" Fine. Carnation is like shown on the left hand side. It was taken just now and if you think the picture is blur, its totally not my fault OK? It's my mum who take the picture. Oh and I forgot that 'she' is the one who bought that flower for me. It's real OK.
Then today also no Master Programme so go home as usual, 1.00 pm. Then called her when she hadn't arrived yet. Wait, wait and then she finally arrived. My head just focused on going home and put my head on my bed. Oh isn't that amazing? But the most amazing part is yet to come.
Got into the car. Suddenly the smell of KFC went rushing through my nose. My mum bought me KFC snackers. It was so super duper appetizing. And luckily she bought me the big chicken. I was so full by the time I reached home. The most thing I like today is the carnation. You know Valentine's day coming. So she give an early present. Ok, I want to stop here.
Wish you a happy new year!!!
Shopped 4:55 AM
Today at school + supplementary class =Excitement
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Hello. Today event at school's fine. Nothing special. Today at Maths lesson we just go through some paper(homework I mean). And as usual we still haven't learned algebra yet. Madam Ching says that we will only learned algebra next term, which is Term 1, obviously. As usual the boys get some scolding from Madam Ching. I really think Madam Ching couldn't handle those naughty and stupid boys. You know because of them our music class is really short. The teacher kept telling asking the class(the boys especially) to tone down.
Oh and talking about music class, the teacher has planned some enrichment for us, and the worse part is, we have to DANCE in front of the teacher. The teacher who teaches us the dance step, our music teacher and maybe If I'm not wrong, the choreography teacher would be inviting the principle. Damn it. Why must invite the principal? Wouldn't it be more interesting? Urghh!!! Anyway my gruop has made a name for the group. It's called the Sechek Stars. I'm not sure if it's Sachek or Sachet. Make me so damn confuse.
Ok . Go to go to sleep now. I mean not really go to sleep but I want to rest first. Long day you know.Ok so Toodles!!!
Love XOXO.
Shopped 5:02 AM
This is me...
Monday, January 18, 2010
Labels: Photobucket
Shopped 2:31 AM
Today's another day of enduring...
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Hello. I should really say that today's another day of enduring. Enduring what, my illness!!! Today's a lot more better than yesterday. Yesterday was such a FLU day for me and some dizziness I should say. Today my cough gets a little bit worse and my FLU, as normal. I had never got such illnesses as this before. It took turns; sore throat, flu and cough. I really don't know what will happened next after I had recovered from my flu. Today I took my medicine at about 10.30 or something. I feel a little dizzy right now. You know, the medicine.
Today also happened to be our religious class. But I'm sick and my sister, big sister actually refuses to go unless I go. So stupid. But actually that's our deal. We can't go to our religious class if one of us is sick or really can't attend. I saw daddy wakes my big sister up. But I saw no sign of her walking towards the toilet to bathe. You kno actually she is really very lazy to go to this kind of tuition. Example the last time, last year I mean, when it's time to go kumon, she simply shook her head and say,"Can I go the next lesson? I'm really sleepy and tired right now." And it happened to be my daddy who wake her up from her sleep. But my daddy didn't even scold her or do something. Then, I felt really angry and then I decided to call mummy. Oh my god, you can't imagined how my mummy shouts. So irritating you know.
But honestly I'm really used to her shouting. Ok my body feels a little bit hot and I would like to have some rest. Bye!!!
Shopped 11:54 PM
This girl couldn't go shopping for two days,and you know why.
Hellows. Feeling really horrible this past two days. On Friday I had some bad sore throat and as a result I couldn't go to school. Oh how I miss my fellow friends! I promised Shahira that I would wear my new watch to school to show her. Pity her... She must have wait for me at the school gate like crazy(perhaps not). Either at Gate 4 or Gate 2. Oh and also she must have sit alone at Mother Tongue. Yeah real true.
I now that it's just a sore throat,but it's not just that but it's really a bad one. You could not even imagined how painful it was and i have to endure it for one night and oh my god, my eyes just couldn't get to sleep and the next day was a new total disaster. The next day, my sore throat has reduced and I thought it was like the end of my sickness, but little did I known, I've got FLU. I know that sounds really bad but what more could I do but endure!!! I hate this FLU illness because it will definitely keep my eyes wake open in the night even though I would feel dizzy in me.
Keep tossing and tossing in the night. But I'm really lucky because I still have my inhaler vicks to relieved my nose block. But it just doesn't seemed to work for me and my stupid nose block.
Some times i feel like I couldn't breathe and eventually, slowly opened my mouth and there you go, BREATHE. Oh sometimes I wished I don't have this illness at all. I really waste my time at home doing nothing. Medication and sleep, medication and sleep. Eww totally boring. I could have gone to school and learned something new if I haven't got this stupid illness. And guessed what, Madam Ching gave me two sets of homework and I bet she had gone through it already. Some people think that they really likes to skip school but i don't. I really don't. Because by doing nothing at home is absolutely, what do I say, wasting time. I f you're at school, then you get to meet you friends and learned something new(at least).
Ok time for my medication. Got to go, bye!
Love XOXO.
Shopped 3:31 AM